Frequently Asked Questions about Canadian Citizenship
What is dual citizenship?
Dual Citizenship occurs when you have more than one Citizenship of a country. This is not a separate application nor will you require any sort of special proof of this fact. Many people who obtain Citizenship in Canada through the immigration process retain their birth citizenship as well. They would be considered to be dual citizens (of Canada, and their country of birth).
Before applying for Citizenship in Canada you should speak with your embassy or foreign offices to determine if there might be any ramifications to your current Citizenship if you obtain Canadian Citizenship.
Do I become a Canadian when I marry a Canadian?
No. Marriage to a Canadian citizen does not give you citizenship. You must first apply for and get permanent resident status. Then you must apply for Canadian citizenship and meet the same requirements as any other person seeking Canadian citizenship.
Will I lose that citizenship if I become a Canadian?
It is possible. You will need to refer to your own countries rules regarding Citizenship. Under Canadian law, a Canadian can be a citizen of another country as well. Some countries, however, will not let you keep their citizenship if you become a Canadian citizen. The consulate or embassy of your other country of citizenship can let you know whether this applies to you.
What is meant by adequate knowledge of English or French when applying for citizenship?
In order to become a Canadian citizen, you must show that you have knowledge of one of Canada’s official languages: English and French. Adequate knowledge is defined has having a Canadian Language Benchmark of 4. These benchmarks are used as a ranking system to determine your level of language proficiency.
This level means you can understand other people when they speak to you and they can understand you.
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