How Do I Qualify for an Intra-Company Work Permit?

What is an Intra Company Work Permit?

The Intra-Company work permit is a permit part of a larger one, the NAFTA work program. The North American Free Trade Agreement is an agreement placed into effect in 1994 between the North American countries, Canada, the United States and Mexico. The North American Free Trade agreement is one of the largest in the world and is responsible for benefit from the trading of supplies, technology, and materials. It also allows for the free movement for people in high demand and have the skills to fill professions within North America.

The Intra-Company work permit is a permit that allows for you to transfer to another office, or company that is not within your current country, whether that be the United States or Mexico. The Intra-Company work permit, for Canada, can be completed either before at a Consulate or at the Port of Entry.

Intra Company Work Permit Qualifications

  • You must be a citizen of either the United States or Mexico
  • In the position for the company from which you are transferring from you were either a Manager, an Executive, or have Specialized Knowledge
  • You have a regular work permit
  • When the permit is no longer valid, after all extensions have be requested and honored, your plans are to leave Canada. You may apply to return on another program but must return home to do so.
  • The current company for which you work for is related to the company you are transferring into. The companies could directly related or connected someway through business.
  • You must have been work in your current profession with your current company for at least one continuous year over a three year period.

If your status matches with the qualifications that you may apply for the Intra-Company work permit. The Intra-Company Transferee work permit is just one of four options available to you as a citizen of the United States and Mexico. If you wish to work within Canada for a period of time and the Intra-Company work permit is the best one for you there are other options available. There is the Professional work permit, Trader Status, and Investors. Take note, that both the Trader Status and the Investor work permits are complicated, are limited in their use, and are complex. It is highly recommended that you look into the other NAFTA work permits before applying.

Once you have applied, handed over the required evidence and have been approved, you then are able to enter Canada and work for the company. The Intra-Company Transfer work permits are valid for twelve months, and if you discover you would like to continue, can apply to have it extended for up to an additional two years.

Contact Akrami & Associates

If you are unsure if the Intra-Company work permit is the best option for you or would like to start the process contact us here at Akrami and Associates. We will help you get started on working in Canada sooner by giving you the best options.

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