• Visitor-Visas-Questions-and-Answers.jpg

    September 27, 2017

    Visitor Visas Questions and Answers

    Questions and Answers for Visitor Visas In this article, I will address questions and answers for Visitor Visas. This is intended for you to better understand what can ensue when you are in the process of applying for a Visitor Visa to Canada. If you feel as though [...]

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    September 22, 2017

    Business Visitors Gain Easier Entry into Canada with Help of CETA

    CETA Finally Comes into Effect & Helps Business Visitors On September 21, 2017, a free trade agreement between Canada and the European Union (EU) came into effect. This is an extremely exciting opportunity for businesses, their employees, service suppliers, independent professionals, and business visitors to work in Canada [...]

  • How-Can-I-Bring-my-Girlfriend-to-Canada.jpg

    September 7, 2017

    How Can I Bring my Girlfriend to Canada

    Steps in Bringing your Girlfriend to Canada Do you want to be reunited with your girlfriend in Canada but are unsure how you can do so? This is a very common question asked by people in relationships that are not considered common-law relationships. It is important to note [...]

  • How-to-Obtain-a-NAFTA-Work-Permit.jpg

    September 6, 2017

    How to Obtain a NAFTA Work Permit

    Steps in Obtaining a NAFTA Work Permit Canada is a progressive country that highly values their economy and the individuals who contribute to it. There are many more individuals coming to Canada for work opportunities, especially skilled foreign nationals. As a result, Canada has implemented beneficial options for [...]

  • Canadian-Citizenship-Questions-and-Answers.jpg

    September 6, 2017

    Canadian Citizenship Questions and Answers

    Questions and Answers for Canadian Citizenship In this article, I will address questions and answers for Canadian citizenship in order for you to further understand what Canadian citizenship entails. A Canadian citizenship application is intended for permanent residents of Canada who meet certain criteria and who wish to [...]

  • How-to-Restore-your-Status-in-Canada.jpg

    September 6, 2017

    How to Restore your Status in Canada

    Steps to How to Restore your Status in Canada There are many foreign nationals who visit, work or study in Canada that often find that they want to stay longer in Canada for many reasons. The reasons may be that they have not accomplished everything they intended on [...]

  • Self-Employed-Individuals-Immigrating-to-Canada.jpg

    September 6, 2017

    Self-Employed Individuals Immigrating to Canada

    How to Immigrate to Canada as a Self-Employed Individual Any individual that would like to immigrate to Canada to establish a business that contributes to the Canadian economy may do so under the self-employed category. The self-employed category ultimately leads to permanent residency in Canada, of course if [...]

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    September 6, 2017

    A Solution to the Closing of the Parent and Grandparent Sponsorship Program (PGP)

    Super Visa a Viable Solution for Parents and Grandparents Sadly, the Parent and Grandparent Sponsorship Program (PGP) is currently closed for new applications. However, luckily for parents and grandparents of Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada, there is a solution to this slight problem. They can now [...]

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    February 8, 2017

    Do I need Work Permit or LMIA to Work in Canada

    How can I work in Canada? Would like to apply for employment in Canada, but unsure of where to start from? Did you know that not everyone needs an LMIA based work permit or even a Work Permit to enter Canada for employment? Let’s see if you qualify [...]

  • Video Cover Image

    January 26, 2017

    Business People vs Business Visitor

    Not sure what the difference is between Business People and Business Visitor? Watch our video below that discusses the difference between the two categories.

  • Video Cover Image

    December 5, 2015

    Do It Yourself Canadian Immigration Kits

    Think you can handle your own immigration matter? Try one of our kits, which allows you to submit your own immigration application like a pro!! If you decide on submitting your own immigration application consider our Canadian Immigration Kits! Also, known as "Do it Yourself Kits". Our Immigration Kits are a step-by-step guide to completing your own immigration application. Watch our video and learn more about our kits and how you can submit a successful application to Citizenship and Immigration Canada.

  • open-work-permit-visa.jpg

    September 29, 2015

    Open Work Permit

    How can I obtain an open work permit? The most predominant way to obtain an Open Work Permit is by being the accompanying dependent of someone with status in Canada. This can include a permanent or temporary document. For example, if your spouse is a Foreign Worker in [...]