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    January 30, 2020

    Ontario’s Human Capital Category

    OINP: Human Capital Category Canada is a great country to live and work in. However, many employers in Canada face problems in filling in jobs. Therefore, to boost Canada’s economy and fill in positions, Canada welcomes many immigrants to Canada. To help fill in those jobs, the federal [...]

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    January 28, 2020

    Provincial Nominee Program How Does it Work

    Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) If you wish to immigrate to Canada and have a specific province in mind then the provincial nominee program (PNP) may be an option for you. The provincial nominee programs allow Canadian provinces and territories to nominate a foreign individual who wish settle in [...]

  • Temporary-Resident-Permit-for-Persons-with-Inadmissibility-Issue-to-Canada.png

    December 10, 2019

    Temporary Resident Permit for Persons with Inadmissibility Issue to Canada

    Temporary Resident Permit If you have past inadmissibility issue to Canada due to a criminal, medical or security reasons but have valid reasons to travel to Canada then you may be eligible Temporary Resident Permit (TRP) Applying for Temporary Resident Permit allows you to travel to Canada on [...]

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    April 22, 2019

    Basics of Conjugal Sponsorship

    Conjugal Sponsorship in Canada If you would like to reunite with your Conjugal partner in Canada, then it is best to understand what a Conjugal sponsorship entails before attempting to submit your application. If you are a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada, you may be eligible to [...]

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    January 25, 2019

    Canadian Super Visa Information

    Inviting your parents or grandparents to Canada Are you a grandparent who wants to visit your son/daughter and their family, but are a resident of a different country and are unaware of what permits are required? Well there’s always a way. In this blog we will be discussing [...]

  • July 4, 2018

    Apply for Ontario’s Provincial Nominee Program

    Ontario’s Provincial Nominee Program Most provinces in Canada have arranged with the federal government to allow them to nominate particular applicants for permanent residence because they would be an advantage to the provinces economy. These are called “provincial nominee programs (PNP),” and Ontario is no exception. Ontario has [...]

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    March 19, 2018

    LICO Requirement for Super Visa Video

    Before applying for a Super Visa, it is vital for you to understand and know what the LICO requirement is for the Super Visa. The LICO requirement is also referred to as the minimum income requirement. The inviter must have sufficient funds to support the parents and/or grandparents [...]

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    March 4, 2016

    How to Apply for Parent or Grandparent Sponsorship

    Applying for Parental / Grandparental Sponsorship Every year the government of Canada allows a certain amount of applications to be processed for Canadian citizens or permanent residents who want to sponsor their parents / grandparents for Permanent Residency. The demand for this type of application is extremely high. [...]

  • January 22, 2014

    How to Submit Parental or Grandparental Sponsorship Application 2014

    With the re-opening of the parental and grandparental sponsorship categories, as of January 2, 2014, a maximum of 5 000 new (and complete) sponsorship applications of this type will be accepted for processing each year. The 5 000 cap will commence at the beginning of each year and [...]

  • January 22, 2014

    Parental and Grandparental Sponsorship New Requirements

    Amendments have been made to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (IRPR), which are basically the legal rules when it comes to immigration matters, to include the recent re-opening of the parental and grandparental sponsorship program. These changes received approval on December 12, 2013 and came into effect [...]

  • January 15, 2014

    Parental Sponsorship Reopens January 2014

    Canada Reopened Parental Sponsorship in January 2014 Great news! If you want to sponsor your parents or grandparents, the wait is finally over. After a 2 year wait, you can finally sponsor your parents and grandparents. This route has reopened as of January 2, 2014 and will only [...]

  • Video Cover Image

    September 13, 2017

    Do you Qualify for a Super Visa Video

    One might ask, what is the difference between a visa and a super visa? The visitor visa is intended for any individual, of any age, to enter Canada temporarily. On the other hand, a super visa is intended for Canadian citizens or permanent residents in Canada with an eligible parent or grandparent that can visit family in Canada for up to two years without the need to renew their status. Watch our video below which explains what a super visa is, who is eligible for a super visa, how to obtain a super visa, and much more.