• April 12, 2023

    An Overview of the Parents and Grandparents Program and Super Visa

    The Parents and Grandparents Program in Canada allows eligible individuals to sponsor their parents and grandparents to become permanent residents of the country. If you were invited to apply, it required submitting two applications for the Parents and Grandparents Program: the sponsorship application and the permanent residence application. Both of [...]

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    December 1, 2020

    Sponsoring a spouse with a criminal record

    Immigration Officers are vigilant when it comes to accessing foreign national’s admissibility to Canada in order to ensure the safety and security of Canada, it’s citizens and permanent residents. Your spouse may be denied entry into Canada if they have a criminal record. There are options available to [...]

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    March 21, 2018

    Immigration to Issue Invitations to Apply Under Parents and Grandparents Sponsorship Program

    Sponsors Being Invited to Sponsor their Parents and Grandparents As of mid-March 2018, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has began sending out invitations to Sponsors in order for them to sponsor their parents and/or grandparents through the parents and grandparents sponsorship program. This is hopeful news for [...]

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    March 20, 2018

    Update on Parental Sponsorship Video

    There has been many questions asked about the Parental Sponsorship. It is important to note that there is only 10,000 applications that will be accepted for the year of 2018. The Parental Sponsorship goes through a lottery system. Watch our video below on the update on Parental Sponsorship [...]

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    November 20, 2017

    Family Class Eligibility Requirements

    Eligibility Requirements for Family Class Sponsorship The Canadian government highly regards family reunification and thus has created the family class sponsorship to assist family members to reunite with their loved ones. There are many sponsors in Canada that have family members around the world and they would love [...]

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    August 7, 2015

    Family Sponsorship

    Can a same-sex partner be sponsored? If you were married in Canada then your same-sex marriage will be valid in regards to sponsorship of a spouse. If you were married outside of Canada then your same-sex marriage will be deemed valid if it is recognized in the country [...]

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    May 28, 2015


    Among all difficulties you have met, being separated from your loved ones is always difficult to endure. Citizenship and Immigration Canada understands this and, through the family sponsorship program, can facilitate your family’s unification in Canada. Family Sponsorship allows you to sponsor your parents, grandparents, spouse, partner, dependent [...]

  • Sponsor-My-Parents-To-Canada.gif

    March 18, 2015

    How Do I Sponsor My Parents To Canada?

    Citizenship and immigration Canada (CIC) has a cap on the number of applications they accept for Parent Sponsorships, and unfortunately the cap for this year has been reached. In January 2015, CIC accepted 5000 applications and the parent and grandparent program has again reached a pause. CIC is [...]

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    February 23, 2015

    Requirements For Parental Sponsorship

    The Canadian government allows Canadian citizens and permanent residence to sponsor their parents and grandparents as immigrants. If you are sponsoring your parents or grandparents, then you also have to support them after they arrive in Canada. Before you apply for parental sponsorship, you have to know whether [...]

  • February 6, 2014

    Caps are Closing for Citizenship and Immigration Canada

    2014 – 2015 promises to be an exciting year in terms of changes that will be happening within Citizenship and Immigration Canada<. With the re-opening of the Parental Sponsorship Category, changes to Canadian Citizenship, 2014 is setting the tone for the changes to come. That being said, there [...]

  • January 22, 2014

    Parental and Grandparental Sponsorship New Requirements

    Amendments have been made to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (IRPR), which are basically the legal rules when it comes to immigration matters, to include the recent re-opening of the parental and grandparental sponsorship program. These changes received approval on December 12, 2013 and came into effect [...]

  • January 20, 2014

    How to Sponsor My Common Law Partner

    Canada offers one of the most comprehensive immigration systems in the world and offers a variety of ways that you can come to Canada to visit, work, remain or be reunited with your loved ones. One such category of Canadian Immigration is the Sponsorship Category. With this program, [...]