Tips on Applying for the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program

The Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program will accept any application under the two worker streams of “currently working in Manitoba” and “skilled worker overseas” for those who are able to demonstrate employability in Manitoba.

Aside from this, you will also need to demonstrate your adaptability. This means how well you will be able to adjust to live in Manitoba. Many of our client struggle in this regard and are unsure of what documents they should submit.

Akrami & Associates can help you with his and guide you every step of the way. Contact us for more details!

If you intend to submit an application without the support of a legal representative, here are some things you should keep in mind when submitting your application:


Your employability will be assessed on the following merits:

  • past education, training, work experience as well as any applicable certification, licence or registration (regulatory requirements) necessary for your occupation in Manitoba
  • job-ready English
  • current demand and potential for long-term employment and career growth in your occupation in the evolving Manitoba labour market
  • the description of duties, skills, talents and work settings in the Canadian economy described in the National Occupation Classification (NOC)
  • transferable skills to related and other occupations with comparable skill levels

Point System

All overseas applicants, namely those who do not qualify for the working in Manitoba stream, will be subject to a point system. To be eligible to apply to the MPNP, overseas skilled workers must score at least 60 points on the five factors.

Five Factors

  1. Language Proficiency
  2. Age
  3. Work Experience
  4. Education
  5. Adaptability

The maximum points that an applicant can obtain is 100. Each factor has a different criteria and different point value.

Employer Compliance

Employers that hire Temporary Foreign Workers are expected to be compliant with the Temporary Foreign Worker Program. This means that as an employer you are expected to uphold the terms and conditions of employment set out in the Labour Marker Opinion confirmation letter and annex, which typically include:

  • wages (including deductions);
  • working conditions (hours of work, overtime, and workplace safety insurance); and
  • identified occupation (job duties and skill level).

Changes to the Program

Once the Labour Market Opinion is approved, any changes to the position, duties, wages etc that are outlined in the Labour Market Opinion confirmation letter and annex could result in the employer being found non-compliant. To avoid this, employers should seek assistance when considering any changes, and note that:

  • Temporary Foreign Workers hired on a full-time basis are expected to work substantially the same number of hours per week and receive substantially the same wage as indicated in the LMO confirmation letter and annex.
  • Temporary Foreign Workers employed in one location cannot work in another location without the employer applying for and receiving a new confirmed LMO, and the workers receiving a new work permit from CIC.
  • Temporary Foreign Workers are expected to spend the majority of their time performing job duties that are consistent with the occupation specified in the LMO confirmation letter and annex.

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