Bars to Sponsorship

There are various reasons why a sponsor would be barred from further sponsorship. You might not realize that you were barred from sponsoring another loved one and so, before making an application, you should consider these reasons for barring sponsorship before you go ahead with the process.

1. Bars to Sponsorship a spouse or common-law partner and three years have yet to pass before he/she became a permanent resident

2. You received social assistance for any reason other than disability for Bars to Sponsorship

3. You are in default of an,

  • Undertaking
  • Relatives you sponsored before received social assistance while the undertaking was still effective
  • Immigration loan
  • You received a transportation, assistance, or Right of Permanent Residence Fee load and have missed payments or are in arrears
  • Performance bond
  • Family support
  • You were given a court order regarding child or spousal support and have neglected to follow the court order

4. You are an un-discharged bankrupt

5. You were convicted of a violent crime, this could include,

  • Crimes of a sexual nature
  • An offence against a relative that resulted in bodily harm

6. You were previously sponsored as a spouse, common-law or conjugal partner and became a permanent resident less than five years ago

7. You are under a removal order

8. You are detained in a penitentiary, jail, or prison

9. You have already applied for sponsorship and a decision has yet to be made

The reasons mentioned above are the grounds that would prevent a sponsor from making an application. It is important for you to understand these reasons so that you may address them if they become problematic to your application.

If you find yourself in this situation or are uncertain regarding your situation, with Akrami & Associates, there is always. Call us today and let one of our experienced legal representatives guide you through the process.

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