May 21, 2015
Can An Employer Who Currently Employs a Temporary Foreign Worker (TFW) Use Express Entry?
Yes, they can but temporary foreign worker (TFW) has to be in Canada and working here under a positive Labour Market Impact Assessment (LIMA). If they are working under LIMA then an employer can offer an employee a permanent job to back up his/her application for permanent residence. [...]
May 21, 2015
Canadian Experience Class
What is Canadian Experience Class? Canadian Experience Class is when you can obtain permanent residence in Canada if you have worked for at least one year in the last three years. In order to gain qualifications for this program you will need to have experience within Canada which [...]
May 20, 2015
Benefits of hiring an attorney for Immigration to Canada
It is recommended to hire an attorney for immigration to Canada matters because over time it has become harder and more complicated for people to immigrate to Canada. At the time, there are over 60 different federal and provincial immigration programs under an applicant can qualify and be [...]
May 20, 2015
Open a Business in Canada
Looking to open up a business in Canada? Well you can start your business today through the business immigration program. This program will assess you based on your ability to develop and support the Canadian economy. Below are three ways you can open your business in Canada: Investor [...]
May 20, 2015
Canadian Permanent Resident and Citizenship
In order for a person to achieve their Canadian Permanent Resident status they must receive their Canadian permanent Resident Card. The Permanent Resident card is a small, secure plastic card containing personal information on the cardholder. The personal information includes height, eye colour and gender, laser-engraved photograph and [...]
May 18, 2015
Do I Always Need A Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA)?
In most cases an employer must get an LMIA to hire a foreign worker. An LMIA essentially permits an employer to hire a temporary foreign worker. However, there are exemptions, as certain categories of workers need a work permit, but may be exempt from an LMIA. The following [...]
May 18, 2015
Express Entry and International Students
International students, who wish to stay permanently in Canada after their work permits expire, should hold in hands information about the new system of CIC. In January 1, 2015, Express Entry (EE) system started working which is an electronic system to manage applications for permanent resident including 3 [...]
May 18, 2015
Canadian Experience Class
What is the Canadian Experience Class? Well, the Canadian Experience Class is a program that falls under a category of Canadian Immigration. This program is geared towards you if you have already obtained work experience within Canada. This is where Temporary Foreign Workers in Canada may apply for [...]
May 14, 2015
How Do I Become A Canadian Citizen?
Citizenship by Naturalization Process Naturalization is the legal process that transforms a Permanent Resident into a Canadian Citizen. In order to be naturalized, the Permanent Resident must apply for Citizenship. Permanent Residents who wish to obtain Canadian Citizenship must meet certain criteria. They must: Be admitted to Canada [...]
May 14, 2015
Canadian Experience Class
Can you apply for Permanent Residence under the Canadian Experience Class if you plan to live in Quebec? No, Quebec has their own program that you will need to apply through, in which they have their own selection process. If you choose to take this route you will [...]
May 14, 2015
Will Bridging Open Work Permits Continue Under Express Entry?
Can you bridge your Open Work permit? Yes, Open Work Permits will continue during the Express Entry process. However, you will have to receive an approval-in-principle of your application before you will be able to apply for the Work Permit. The approval-in-principle will just simply outline all of [...]
May 13, 2015
Refugee Status
How will you know if your Refugee claim has been accepted? There is no real guaranteed way that you will know if your claim will be accepted or not. There is only one person who is going to hear your claim and from that they will decide if [...]