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    January 8, 2019

    Questions and Answers for Work Permits

    Understand Work Permits If you are a foreign national who wants to legally work in Canada, it is essential for you obtain a work permit. A work permit is intended for foreign nationals who wish to come to Canada to pursue a career or a job opportunity. It [...]

  • Canada-Biometrics-Updates.jpg

    November 1, 2018

    Canada Biometrics Updates

    Biometrics for Immigration As you may know, a big part of Canadian immigration applications is the biometrics. Biometrics uniquely identify a person’s anatomical or physiological data. At your biometrics appointment, you will get your fingerprints and photos, taken, and you will sign your name for electronic capture. Biometrics [...]

  • Understanding-Restoration-of-Status.jpg

    September 21, 2018

    Understanding Restoration of Status

    Extend your Stay in Canada Canada is a beautiful country with a superb education system, social welfare system, economic system, extraordinary sceneries for tourism, and many more. Often times, many foreign nationals who visit, work or study in Canada that often find that they want to stay longer [...]

  • How-to-Prepare-to-Work-in-Canada.png

    July 16, 2018

    How to Prepare to Work in Canada

    How Can I Work in Canada? To work in Canada, you must have prepared the proper arrangements, and work to gather all the proper documentation. This can be a daunting process. There are several steps that you must take beforehand to secure all the necessary arrangements, and to [...]

  • Business-Visitor-FAQs.png

    July 3, 2018

    Business Visitor FAQs

    FAQ’s about being a Business Visitor Some individuals who travel for business are highly privileged insofar as they do not have to apply for a work permit, or a special visitor visa, to come to Canada to participate in particular business activities. Most individuals who come to Canada [...]

  • The-Live-in-Caregiver-Program-Details-of-Changes-and-Applying-for-Permanent-Residence.png

    June 25, 2018

    The Live-in Caregiver Program Details of Changes and Applying for Permanent Residence

    How to Apply for Permanent Residence through the Live-In Caregiver Program Once you are in Canada working full-time as a live-in caregiver, on a live-in caregiver work permit, you are probably considering applying for permanent residence through the live-in caregiver program as well. There are a variety of [...]

  • all-about-significant-benefit-work-permits.png

    June 8, 2018

    All About Significant Benefit Work Permits

    What is a Significant Benefit Work Permit? Do you have an interesting business idea, or are an entrepreneur who thinks they have a business idea which could be beneficial to Canadians, then the Canadian government has the program for you! Assuming you as well have an interest in [...]

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    June 4, 2018

    About Intra-Company Transferee Work Permits

    What is the International Mobility Program? There various different work permits one could apply for which would give them permission to work legally in Canada. The reason there are so many different work permits for individuals to choose from is that the Canadian government recognizes that there are [...]

  • Hire-a-TWF-through-the-global-talent-stream.png

    May 30, 2018

    Hire a Temporary Foreign Worker Through the Global Talent Stream

    What is the Global Talent Stream? The Global Talent Stream is a fairly new program, which began in 2017 as a pilot project to test new ways to help Canadian businesses grow and innovate to the best of their abilities. Recognizing the need for highly skilled workers in [...]

  • What-a-NAFTA-work-permit-is.png

    May 29, 2018

    What a NAFTA Work Permit Is

    What is NAFTA, and How Does it Impact my Ability to Work in Canada? You’ve probably heard the term NAFTA before. If you don’t already know what NAFTA is, I’m here to help. “NAFTA” stands for North American Free Trade Agreement. This is an agreement between Mexico, Canada [...]

  • Validity-Period-for-a-Labour-Market-Impact-Assessment.jpg

    October 16, 2017

    Validity Period for a Labour Market Impact Assessment

    How Long is a LMIA Valid For A Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) can be vital for the issuance of a job offer from a Canadian employer to a temporary foreign national worker. Therefore, it is essential to know for how long the LMIA will be valid for [...]

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    October 11, 2017

    Work permits for Students Questions and Answers

    Questions and Answers for Work permits for Students In this article, I will address questions and answers for work permits for students, as there are several different work permit options available. This question and answer article is intended for you to further understand what a work permit for [...]