• PR Card of Canada

    February 26, 2024

    PR Card Renewal Without Meeting Residency Obligation

    PR Card Renewal without Meeting Residency Obligation PR card renewal without meeting residency obligations poses significant challenges. When a permanent resident falls short of the required two out of five years of residency, denial of the renewal application becomes a looming possibility. This denial triggers severe consequences, including [...]

  • July 14, 2023

    PR Card Renewal with Humanitarian & Compassionate Considerations 

    In this blog post, we will delve into the topic of PR Card Renewal with Humanitarian & Compassionate Considerations and the misconceptions surrounding humanitarian and compassionate arguments. Many individuals mistakenly confuse these applications with each other, but they are fundamentally different. Our focus here is on PR card renewal with [...]

  • Permanent-Resident-Status-in-Canada.jpg

    November 19, 2020

    Frequently Asked Questions about Permanent Resident Status in Canada

    What is a permanent resident of Canada? A permanent resident (PR) are citizens of other countries. They have been given permanent resident status by immigrating to Canada but do not hold Canadian citizenship. A person who is Canada temporarily, such as a student or a foreign worker is [...]

  • how-to-renew-my-expired-pr-card.png

    August 27, 2019

    How to Renew my Expired PR Card

    Eligibility to Renew PR Card Has your permanent card expired? Will it soon expire? Are you travelling outside of Canada and your card is going to expire? Not to worry, this blog will answer all of your questions regarding the process of renewing a permanent residency card. What [...]

  • Video Cover Image

    June 21, 2019

    PR Card Renewal Delay

    PR Card Renewal Delay If you have applied for the Renewal of your PR card and you have experience a Delay, there are multiple reasons as to why it can be delayed. At Akrami&Assiciates we help you prepare your application and submit it with you for maximum results. [...]

  • Requirements-to-Renew-PR-Card.jpg

    April 16, 2019

    Requirements to Renew PR Card

    Expired PR card Has your permanent resident card expired? Are you traveling outside of Canada and don’t have enough time to renew your expired permanent residence card? Are you confused about what is required to renew a permanent residence card? If so, this blog may help answer some [...]

  • Sponsoring-Your-Relatives.jpg

    March 13, 2019

    Sponsoring Your Relatives

    Help Your Relatives Immigration to Canada As you may know, you can sponsor your spouse, common-law partner, or conjugal partner to obtain permanent residency in Canada, given the fact that you and your significant other both qualify for the sponsorship. But did you know you could also sponsor your relative as well? The [...]

  • Flying-back-to-Canada-as-a-Dual-Canadian-citizen.jpg

    March 12, 2019

    How to Travel Back to Canada as a Dual Canadian citizen

    What is Dual Citizenship Many countries, including Canada, permit dual citizenship. This means you do not have to give up your previous citizenship once you become a Canadian citizen. This does not apply to other countries, though. Each country has its own set of rules and laws regarding dual [...]

  • Applying-for-Permanent-Residency-with-Humanitarian-and-Compassionate-Consideratio_20190103-103043_1.png

    January 3, 2019

    Permanent Residence Card Renewal with H&C

    Applying For Permanent Residence Card Renewal with H&C Have you been admitted to Canada lawfully as a permanent resident? Has 5 years passed since you were admitted as a permanent resident, and now it is time to apply for a renewal of your permanent resident status? If this [...]

  • Important-Information-about-Immigration-Fraud-and-Misrepresentation.png

    November 26, 2018

    Important Information about Immigration Fraud and Misrepresentation

    Understanding Immigration Fraud and Misrepresentation As a newcomer to Canada, you may not be familiar with how companies or the government does business in Canada. This can potentially lead you to believe in companies that try scam you by phone or email. Often times, those scammers will pretend [...]

  • Renewing-your-Permanent-Resident-Card.jpg

    November 20, 2018

    Renewing your Permanent Resident Card

    Expiring Permanent Resident Card A permanent resident card has its expiry date. If your permanent resident card is expiring soon, you will need to renew them in a timely fashion. Whether you are applying for your first card, renewing an expired card or getting a replacement due to [...]

  • Understanding-the-Importance-of-National-Occupation-Code-NOC.jpg

    October 18, 2018

    Understanding the Importance of National Occupation Code (NOC)

    Immigration and the NOC As you may know, the Canadian government allows a foreign national that come from a variety of different fields, educational backgrounds, and work experience to obtain permanent residency in Canada under specific federal economic immigration programs. This is also known as the Express Entry [...]