• C11 Work Permit Canada

    February 15, 2024

    Apply for Self Employed C11 Work Permit to PR

    Understanding the C11 Work Permit: Embarking on a journey to work in Canada through the self employed work permit.  This is a thrilling prospect that opens doors to new experiences, professional growth, and cultural immersion. Securing a C11 work permit is the gateway to turning this dream into [...]

  • September 14, 2023

    Experience Requirement for Self-Employed Immigration

    Experience Requirement for Self-Employed Immigration In the realm of immigration, the criteria for eligibility can be intricate and multifaceted. For those aspiring to move to Canada as self-employed individuals, understanding the experience requirement for self employed immigration is crucial. This requirement is especially pertinent for individuals who have [...]

  • September 8, 2023

    Global Talent Stream an IT Professional

    Global Talent Stream an IT Professional IT Professional Requirements in Canada can be a multifaceted journey, as it involves a combination of education, experience, and specific skill sets. If you're an aspiring Global Talent Steam IT Professional eyeing a career in Canada, it's essential to understand the prerequisites [...]

  • July 19, 2023

    C11 Work Permit: Eligibility, Benefits, and Application Process

    For individuals seeking to work in Canada as a self-employed person, the C11 work permit offers a valuable pathway. Here we will outline the C11 work permit: Eligibility, benefits and the application process.  C11 work permit falls under the Temporary Resident Visa category and is specifically designed for [...]

  • January 4, 2021

    Extending your stay in Canada

    About Extending your stay in Canada You crossed all your T’s and dotted all your I’s. You’re in Canada and are looking for ways to extend your stay. Continue reading below for ways to do so. When you first enter Canada as a visitor, you’re required to have [...]

  • The-Rural-and-Northern-Immigration-Pilot.jpg

    October 22, 2020

    The Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot

    The Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot is a community driven program designed to extend the benefits economically of immigration to smaller communities. This is done by creating a path to permanent residency for skilled foreign workers looking to live and work in the participating communities Participating Communities and [...]

  • visitor-visa-extensionj.png

    October 21, 2020

    How to Extend my Visitor Visa to Canada

    Visitors Visa Extension Foreign individuals travel to Canada for different reasons these can include: A leisurely trip with or without family Visiting family or friends Continuing studies Canada Or working on temporary basis As a foreign individual you are only allowed to stay in Canada for a certain [...]

  • Different-Types-of-Work-Permi-Canada.jpg

    September 29, 2020

    Different Types of Work Permit for Canada

    Working in Canada Canada encourages and provides many avenues for individuals to support and provide for themselves and their families financially. You can only legally work in Canada while on a valid work permit. In order to provide reasonable support to individuals Canada has many different types of [...]

  • Study_Permit_Canada_Sampl_20200708-160048_1.jpg

    July 8, 2020

    Steps to obtaining a Study Permit

    Studying in Canada If you are looking to further your studies or boost your career prospects then Canada is one of the best places to gain higher education. It can be very scary and exciting feeling to experience to opting to studying abroad, however it will be one [...]

  • Changes-to-Caregiver-Program-in-Canada.png

    August 21, 2019

    Changes to Caregiver Program in Canada

    New Permanent Residence Pilots for Caregivers Immigrating to Canada Are you a foreign caregiver looking to move to Canada? Are you looking to learn more about the immigration process regarding caregiving? Are you confused about the new pilot programs introduced for caregivers? There are numerous options in order [...]

  • How-to-get-a-Canadian-Study-Permit-and-meeting-Study-Permit-Application-Requirements.jpg

    June 28, 2019

    Tips for a Study Permit Application

    Study Permits Do you want to have the opportunity to study in Canada? Are you unsure of the process and want to learn about it? If you have answered yes to any of these questions don't worry as many students get stuck at this point as well. Obtaining [...]

  • Self-Employed-Individuals-Immigrating-to-Canada.jpg

    June 26, 2019

    Self-Employed Immigration

    Immigrating to Canada as a Self-employed individual There is a wide array of options that are made available to you to help you immigrate into Canada. Most of the time you are required to obtain a valid job offer for you to apply successfully. However, the application process [...]