• March 13, 2023

    Canadian government implements new measures to support Iranian residents in extending their Temporary Visas

    The Canadian government is stepping up to support Iranians in Canada by implementing special measures to make it easier for them to stay. Effective from March 1, 2023, for one year, new measures will be introduced to simplify the process for Iranians who are visiting, studying, or working [...]

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    March 10, 2023

    Secure your future in Canada: apply for citizenship

    Are you ready to become a Canadian citizen? Here are the basic requirements you need to meet in order to apply: First, you must be a permanent resident of Canada. Additionally, you must have resided in Canada for at least 3 out of the last 5 years (which [...]

  • March 3, 2023

    5 Tips for Getting Your Travel Visa Approved in Canada

    If you're planning to travel to Canada as a visitor, one of the most important things you'll need is a travel visa. Getting your visa approved can be a daunting task, but there are steps you can take to increase your chances of success. Here are 5 tips [...]

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    February 22, 2023

    Overcoming Inadmissibility to Canada: 3 Different Ways To Follow

    Canada receives millions of immigration applications every year. Whether an individual wants to visit Canada to meet his/her family or want to study/work there, they must meet all the eligibility requirements. What if you have a criminal conviction that can trigger inadmissibility to Canada? Well, there are ways [...]

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    February 20, 2023

    Can I Enter Canada With a Felony Conviction?

    Are you worried about your admissibility to Canada with a felony conviction in the US? You are on the right platform! It is true for foreign residents with a felony conviction that their Canadian immigration application might get rejected. However, in some instances, they can enter Canada if [...]

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    February 16, 2023

    Why Are Biometrics Important For Canadian Immigration Applicants?

    Are you afraid to provide your biometrics during your immigration application to Canada? Don't worry! It's absolutely safe. Biometrics are encrypted and secured by the Canadian Immigration Biometrics Identification System. Why are biometrics needed? Can you enter Canada without biometrics? Well, to get answers to all these questions, [...]

  • How-An-Open-Work-Permit-Can-Be-Beneficial-For-Temporary-Foreign-Workers-TFWs.png

    February 14, 2023

    How An Open Work Permit Can Be Beneficial For Temporary Foreign Workers (TFWs)?

    Canada is always in favour of bringing your spouse to your Canadian residence and living a happy life. The spousal open work permit allows the spouse of definite temporary Canadian permit holders to take an employment offer with any Canadian employer. Recently, open work permits (OWP) are extended [...]

  • April 13, 2021

    What Is Express Entry?

    There are many ways for individuals to become Canadian permanent residents. If you a skilled worker and looking for the quickest route to permanent residency, then Express Entry is the way to go. Canada introduced Express Entry in 2015, creating an online based permanent residency system to better [...]

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    December 16, 2020

    Qualifying as a Common Law Partner

    Qualifying as a common law partner Common law partnerships are unique because they cohabitate in a marriage like commitment but are not actually married. Recognizing and assessing these types of partnerships are challenging for Canadian Immigration but is essential. Common law couples must provide sufficient supporting documentation and [...]

  • Post-Graduate-Work-Permit-2000.jpg

    November 5, 2020

    Post Graduate Work Permit 2020

    You did it! You graduated! In your hand you hold a degree, diploma or certificate. You’ve fallen in love with the great country of Canada and want to know your options on how you can extend your stay. A post graduate work permit just might your ticket. Read [...]

  • Provincial-Nominee-Program-How-Does-it-Work.png

    January 28, 2020

    Provincial Nominee Program How Does it Work

    Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) If you wish to immigrate to Canada and have a specific province in mind then the provincial nominee program (PNP) may be an option for you. The provincial nominee programs allow Canadian provinces and territories to nominate a foreign individual who wish settle in [...]

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    November 28, 2019

    Express Entry to Canada

    Express Entry and How Does it Work Express Entry (EE) was introduced by the Federal government in 2015 as an online immigration application system offering Canadian permanent residence to foreign skilled workers. Candidates are ranked based on their individual profiles and only those with the highest rankings are [...]